Movie Trailer Triple Play / by Craig Kerbrat

It’s been a busy 24 hours for movie trailers! We’ll start with the newest trailer, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse!

This looks like a really fun movie. Into the Spider-Verse was one of the best superhero movies in a long time, so this o e has a lot to live up to. I don’t want to put too much pressure on it, though. I just want a fun movie.

Next, we’ve got another superhero movie, but this time from DC: Blue Beetle!

This one also looks really fun. I’m a big fan of Xolo Maridueña in Cobra Kai, so I’ve been looking forward to seeing a trailer for this movie for a while.

And last, we’ve got a different kind of action movie, with Thor actor Chris Hemsworth returning in Extraction 2!

Do you want over the top action? Look no further! This is the movie for you. And I’ll be watching it for sure.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is out in theatres June 2nd, 2023. Blue Beetle is out in theatres August 18th, 2023. Extraction 2 is out on Netflix June 16th, 2023.